Tutorials & Blog

Tutorials, Guides and in-depth Articles

A selection of tutorials, guides and in-depth articles written by me.

If you’re intetrested in a particular tutorial or guide, contact me.

WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0

How to fix "WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0"

Find out how to resolve the WordPress error "Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead.".Read more
Web Fonts in Edge Animate

Web Fonts in Edge Animate

How to insert Web Fonts in Edge Animate using Edge Web Fonts, Typekit, Google Web Fonts and the css rule @font-faceRead more
Edge Animate Tutorial: passing data to animation

Edge Animate Tutorial: passing data to animation

In this tutorial we will see how to pass variable data to an animation made with Adobe Edge Animate.Read more
Edge Animate Tutorial: Dynamic Content using Ajax

Edge Animate Tutorial: Dynamic Content using Ajax

In this tutorial we will se how to use jQuery to dynamically load contents inside a Adobe Edge Animate animation.Read more
Edge Animate Tutorial: Restart, Rewind and infinite Loop

Edge Animate Tutorial: Restart, Rewind and infinite Loop

In this tutorial we will see three different methods to restart an animation made with Adobe Edge Animate.Read more